Does It Snow In Adelaide, South Australia?

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The Elusive Search for Snow in Adelaide and Other Parts of South Australia

Is it possible to experience snow in Adelaide? This question piques the curiosity of both locals and tourists, as Adelaide and South Australia are predominantly known for their warm climate and picturesque beaches.

In this blog, we aim to explore various aspects of snow in Adelaide—from understanding the climate and historical records to pointing you in the direction of nearby places where you might actually experience some snowfall. So, whether you’re a snow lover or just intrigued by the idea, read on to discover what Adelaide and its surrounding regions have to offer when it comes to wintry weather.

Does It Snow In Adelaide?

Generally, it does not snow in Adelaide due to its Mediterranean climate. However, on very rare occasions, you might experience a light dusting of snow in the Adelaide Hills. These instances are infrequent and usually not enough for significant accumulation. There is no record of snow in the city centre.

Does It Snow In South Australia?

Yes, while snow is generally rare in South Australia, it is not unheard of. There are occasional instances where snow does fall, particularly in the Adelaide Hills & Mid-North region. In these instances, the snow can sometimes accumulate, leaving the landscape with a thin, white covering.

The Climate of Adelaide

Adelaide’s climate is usually categorized as Mediterranean, featuring warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters. However, updated 2023 data shows noticeable deviations from these long-standing averages, particularly during the winter months.

Temperature Ranges: How 2023 Compares

This year’s winter in Adelaide has been exceptionally warm, contrasting with the city’s typical winter averages that generally span from 14 to 16 °C for high temperatures and 7 to 9 °C for lows. Specifically, the mean maximum temperatures for winter 2023 ranged from 0.4 °C warmer than average at Kuitpo Forest Reserve to a staggering 1.6 °C warmer at Mount Lofty. Mean minimum temperatures followed suit, ranging from 0.5 °C above average at Kuitpo Forest Reserve to 1.9 °C above average at Mount Barker. Overall, it was the warmest winter in Greater Adelaide since 2005 based on mean temperature. Source: BOM

Snow in Adelaide: Myth or Reality?

Given the warmer-than-average winter of 2023, snow in Adelaide has been even more unlikely than usual. While snow has always been a rare event here, this year’s temperature data further diminishes the possibility of experiencing a winter wonderland in Adelaide.

Historical Instances of Snow in South Australia

  • August and September 2020 when the region around Jamestown and Peterborough were blanketed in a few centimetres.
  • Summertown, Adelaide Hills in July of 1951, when approximately 15cm fell over three days
  • Substantial snowfall across SA including snow at Golden Grove for the first time in living memory July 1951
  • Terowie in the mid north was covered by a mantle of white Thursday Morning, July 21 1927.

Hail In Adelaide

When it comes to weather extremes in Adelaide, hail is not as uncommon as one might think. While snowfall is rare in the city, hail events do occur periodically, particularly during the stormy months of late autumn and winter. In Adelaide, hail is often associated with strong thunderstorms that bring intense updrafts, carrying raindrops into cold regions of the atmosphere where they freeze into hailstones.

Unlike snow, which softly blankets the landscape, hail can be quite destructive, damaging cars, roofs, and even crops in the surrounding agricultural areas. The hailstones in Adelaide can range from small pellets that bounce harmlessly on the ground to larger, golf-ball-sized hail that poses a more significant risk. Adelaide residents are generally well-versed in taking precautionary measures when a hailstorm is forecast, such as moving cars under cover and securing outdoor items.

What is the difference between hail and snow?

Hail and snow are both forms of precipitation, but they are different in their composition, formation, and the weather conditions that produce them.


  • Snow is composed of ice crystals that form when water vapour in the atmosphere freezes.
  • Snow forms in clouds when the air temperature is below freezing (0°C or 32°F).
  • Snowflakes form through a process called nucleation, where supercooled water droplets freeze upon contact with ice nuclei.
  • Snowflakes are generally soft and fluffy and can accumulate, creating a snow-covered landscape.
  • Snow usually falls during calm, relatively stable weather conditions.


  • Hail consists of balls or lumps of ice, known as hailstones.
  • Hail forms in strong thunderstorms with intense updrafts that carry raindrops into extremely cold areas of the atmosphere where they freeze.
  • Hailstones can vary in size, from small pellets to golf-ball size or larger.
  • Hailstones can cause damage to crops, cars, and buildings.
  • Hail usually falls during severe weather conditions like thunderstorms.

So, while snow and hail are both made of ice, they form under different conditions and have different characteristics.

Where Does It Snow In Australia?

While snowfall may be a rarity in Adelaide and much of South Australia, it’s a different story in other parts of the country. Australia does have its own winter wonderlands, primarily in the regions of New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania. The Snowy Mountains, the Australian Alps, and various parts of Tasmania offer the most reliable snowfall, making them popular destinations for winter sports enthusiasts and snow lovers. To learn more about where you can experience snow in Australia, check out this detailed guide: Does It Snow In Australia?.

Can You Ski In South Australia?

The straightforward answer is no, skiing isn’t a typical winter activity in South Australia, especially given the climate and lack of heavy snowfall. However, some enthusiasts would beg to differ. One eager character in this video managed to ski on a thin layer of snow in the Adelaide Hills, showcasing the ultimate triumph of spirit over circumstance!

That being said, if you’re serious about skiing, the best options are located in the neighboring state of Victoria. Resorts in the Snowy Mountains and the Australian Alps provide a genuine skiing experience. My personal favorite is Falls Creek, a resort that offers an excellent range of slopes for both beginners and advanced skiers. So, while South Australia may not be the go-to destination for skiing, it’s a relatively short trip to where the real action is.

FAQs About Snow in Adelaide and South Australia

How often does it snow in South Australia?

Snow in South Australia is quite rare, typically occurring in the higher elevations of the Adelaide Hills and the Mid North region during winter months. Sometimes it can be years in between snowfall in South Australia.

Where can I go to see snow?

The most likely places to see snow in South Australia are in the Adelaide Hills and occasionally in the Mid North region but there is no guarantee. Venture to Victoria if you really want to experience snow in Australia.

Is snowfall decreasing due to climate change?

In many regions around the world affected by climate change, precipitation that once fell as snow is now falling as rain. This is leading to a general trend of decreased snowfall. However, specific data on South Australia is limited, given the rarity of snow in the region.

Has it ever snowed in Adelaide?

Yes, it has snowed in Adelaide, but it is extremely rare. When it does happen, it’s usually a light dusting in the Adelaide Hills.

Where can I see snow near Adelaide?

The Adelaide Hills are the closest place near Adelaide where you might see snow, although it’s a rare occurrence.

Has it ever snowed in SA?

Yes, snow has fallen in parts of South Australia, mainly in elevated areas like the Adelaide Hills and the Mid North.

Does Mount Lofty have snow?

Mount Lofty may experience a light dusting of snow during cold winter months, but it is rare and usually melts quickly.

Why doesn’t it snow in Adelaide?

Adelaide has a temperate climate with mild winters, making it generally too warm for snowfall.

Conclusion: Does It Snow In Adelaide?

In summary, while the romantic notion of snow in Adelaide may capture the imagination, the reality is far less frosty. Snow is an extremely rare occurrence in Adelaide and even in the broader region of South Australia. The winter of 2023 was notably warmer than usual, making the already slim chances of seeing snow even slimmer. But what Adelaide lacks in winter wonderlands, it more than makes up for with its world-class beaches, wine regions, and rich cultural experiences.

Don’t let the absence of snow deter you from exploring all that this vibrant region has to offer. For more insights and travel tips, check out our other posts about Adelaide and South Australia.